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Cool game

This is amazing! Great Job! Keep up the good work!

Oh, no.. the switch stopped working! Is there anything I can do to fix this?


Really cool game!

I like the multiple endings and how you can switch from the computer to reality

Deleted post

This looks so good. I love it. Also the CRT shader is beautiful.


Really liked being sent out of the 'game' forcefully! Was very tense having to turn the light switch on and off. The "HD" and "Lo-fi" visual differences are really effective and I like how the game loops on itself.


The game was strange with a bit of creepy sprinkled on! I liked it!

its broken buddy its very bugge send  me compleate this game if can to i make video for it

Seems I'm unable to progress since I have the same issue already addressed in the comments about the light switch - I walk over to it, press E, hear a switch flip, but nothing changes. I'm also finding that pressing Esc doesn't really do anything, so to close the game I have to basically crash it. Seems like the game has some interesting content. 


I featured this in my video (starts at 18:45)

(1 edit) (+1)

I LOVED this game. The game mechanics were clever, the message was unsettling, and the theme is fitting for the times. 

I got 2 endings. I hope that was all of them. Otherwise, I may just not have thought outside the box enough ;)


This was like a nice slow burn of creepy. Pretty unique idea for a game. Really enjoyed it. 

The virtual section at the begging was good but the fix the power section made my pc go at 0.5 fps


Great Ending!


Pretty novel take and very well put together.


A really unique and surreal story.


Had a fun time playing your game! It was simple yet had a great atmosphere to it and I love a good atmosphere! Here’s my play-through 

The switch does nothing except for the clicking sound. No matter how many time I press it, the computer doesn't turn on.

Flicking it after turning the computer on turns it back off. There is a chance you just kept turning it back off on accident.


No, tried it again, nothing happens: after the intro I go to the fuse box, activate it once (only one click), go back and the screen is still dark. Is there any way to get logging/debug information?

That is very odd. I'm not sure there is any debug info you could get on your side, but if you could record it happening that would be helpful.




It's gotta have something to do with the framerate hmm.


This is great. A bit of a slow burn, and a little predictable, but not cliched. Subtly introducing the player to mechanics they'd need later was clever, and the switch between fidelity levels paid off so well. It's darkly funny at times, too. There's a lot of things implied too, leading to a deeper unease. Great stuff, nice work!

Deleted 4 years ago

I don't want to sound mean, but I think you may be projecting a bit here.



Deleted 4 years ago

Yeah I hear ya. The game is inspired by my personal mental state after being inside so long and my frustration with companies trying to capitalize on people's vulnerability. I'ts not a one to one metaphor for our current situation in a pandemic, and I'm not trying to tell anyone that they should go outside right now.

(1 edit) (+4)

Thank you.  That's what I needed to hear.

Good luck with your other games.  I recognize that art was attempted here.

Edit: I deleted my posts because I realized that they added no value to the discourse about this game.  I can't fix the pandemic by getting angry about the pandemic.  Sorry again and good luck with your games

For what it's worth, I thought removing the PS1 filters when she's outside the game was very clever.

I really want to play this game but I think I'm encountering a bug that doesn't let me play :(  I can't seem to get out of the room after the TV shuts off in the very beginning, the power switch stays in one place as well so I just stay in a dimly lit room with a TV

The interaction key can be a bit finicky. The correct thing to do is interact with the fuse box near the door.

Yeah I'll interact with it and hear a lil click sound but nothing happens

It turns the computer on and off.


The switch itself didn't move, but eventually it did work. Idk what I did different but it moved and I was able to progress thank you for replying!

No problem :)


This was great! Oddly calming, yet creepy. Great pacing, and I love the mechanic of hopping on and off the computer. 

Whats this whats this. Played your game on the channel. Hope you enjoy the video :D


Gorgeous game and amazingly polished. I've never seen a monitor or neon sign look so good.


cool game :D had fun playin it


Very nice game!


Wow this was really good! It felt so complete too, especially for a Game Jam. Very impressive!

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Look at you. So strange. I love you. 2nd game in video - timecode 7:04

What an excellent game! Very well executed story with a great twist. Switching between game and ... game was really cool and I was really impressed by the quality of assets used (specifically the computer monitor). I also thought it was great how you showed off the credits at the end.

Great job to everyone involved!

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